
Global Assembly on Climate Emergency for COP26

October 2020 – December 2022

In the framework of a consortium formed by iswe, i4policy and Deliberativa, with funding from the European Climate Foundation, Scottish Government, One project, Climate Emergency Collaboration Group, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Partner Institutions: UN – COP 26

Process design and implementation of a global online assembly composed of 100 participants and 100 mediators/recruiters. Deliberativa WCA Lab piloted sessions and designed the multilingual methodology. The draw was designed together with the Sortition Foundation using a population density map that gave everyone on the planet an equal chance of being selected. The mediators recruited, translated and paid the participants. A special effort was made to meet the socio-economic criteria.

After 68 hours of deliberations, a document called “People’s Declaration for a Sustainable Future of Planet Earth” was produced.

Image: Global Assembly session held virtually.

Back to Deliberation Citizens’ Panels at the Conference on the Future of Europe Fòrum Jove BCN, Youth Deliberative Assembly (Barcelona)