With access to sufficient information, and time, randomly selected citizens have demonstrated that they are very good critical thinkers. When part of a diverse group, they can, together, explore alternatives, make trade-offs and make excellent collective decisions
Lyn Carson, newDemocracy Foundation
Deliberativa is a non-profit association that proposes:
Within a Consortium composed of cambiaMO, Vilnius Tech University, Deliberativa, Fundació EURECAT and the Departament d’acció exterior i govern obert – Generalitat de Catalunya.
Lead Institution: European Union, Horizon Europe programme
CLIMAS aims to support a transformation towards climate resilience by offering an innovative toolbox that includes, among others, deliberative mechanisms.
In this framework, Deliberativa focuses on how to generate the best framing (mandate) for citizens’ assemblies, and the best way to manage the knowledge that is transmitted to the Assembly, focusing on the Climate Assembly of Catalonia. The aim is to move from climate assemblies that provide technical answers (guided by expert knowledge) to assemblies that solve value-centred dilemmas (taking into account different stakeholder positions).
Action plan designed with Political Watch y Komons
The objective of Ampifying Democracy campaign is to achieve a broad political and administrative commitment and broad social support to advance in a democratic renewal in Spain based on citizen participation and deliberation. Three axes of work from Deliberativa:
With the support of: Open Society Foundations
For: Ihobe, Basque government
In collaboration with Arantzazulab y TMelab
Design of the Euskadi Citizens’ Assembly, a figure that the Basque Country Energy Transition and Climate Change Law, passed on 8 February 2024 by 82% of the Basque Parliament, includes in its Article 12 (“The Assembly will be a forum to generate collective reflection and knowledge, allowing citizens to inform themselves, deliberate and reach consensus on the solutions to the major transformations that need to be undertaken to achieve climate neutrality as soon as possible and to make the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country more resilient to the impacts of climate change, with a fair and supportive perspective.”).
Within a Consortium composed by Missions publiques, Danish Board of Technology, IFOK, other organisations and Deliberativa
Lead Institution: the European Commission
Framing and knowledge provision for 3 European Citizens’ panels of 150 people each; the members of the panels are chosen through a stratified lottery in the 27 countries of the European Union, and deliberate in 24 languages on 3 different themes (food waste, learning mobilities, digital worlds) during 3 weekends each from Decembre 2022 to June 2023.
For: Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, Arantzazulab, TMelab
Consultancy on the design and implementation of a Citizens’ Assembly composed of 32 citizens of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country, Spain) to answer the following question: How can we guarantee the agricultural activity of Gipuzkoa to face the climate emergency?
The Assembly has been held between November 2022 and January 2023. Here are the 9 recommendations produced by the Assembly, in Spanish and Basque.
Devolution sessions by the Provincial Council: 14 March 2023, November 2023 and October 2024.
Follow-up of the recommendations:
Evaluation done by Parte Hartuz (Basque Country University – UPV-EHU):
Film about the process (in Basque and Spanish, 2023).
For: Generalitat de Valencia (Commissioner of the Presidency of the Generalitat for the Valencian Plan of Action for Mental Health, Drug Addiction and Addictive Behaviour) and University of Valencia
Consultancy on the design and implementation of a Citizens’ Convention composed of 70 citizens of the Valencian Community to answer the following question: How should mental health, drug dependence and addictive behaviours be addressed in the Valencian Region?
Recommendations report, april 2022
Documentary (Spanish), april 2023 (27 min)
eldiario.es, 4/04/2022
El País, 5/04/2022
Buergerrat (English), 5/04/2022
Within a Consortium composed by Missions publiques, Danish Board of Technology, IFOK, other organisations and Deliberativa
Lead Institutions: The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission
Process design and implementation, within the Conference on the Future of Europe, of 4 citizens’ panels of 200 people each; the members of the panels are chosen through a stratified lottery in the 27 countries of the European Union, and deliberate in 24 languages on 4 different themes during 3 weekends from September 2021 to February 2022 (here the 4 recommendations reports).
Subsequently, 80 citizen ambassadors from the 4 panels met in 7 working sessions with MEPs, national MPs and representatives of civil society, in the framework of the Conference Plenary. They worked on the recommendations to turn them into proposals presented to the European Parliament on 9 May 2022, in the presence of Ursula Van der Leyen, President of the Commission, Roberta Metsola, President of the Parliament, and Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic.
In the framework of a consortium formed by Deliberativa, i4policy and iwe and with funding from European Climate Foundation, Scottish Government, One project, Climate Emergency Collaboration Group, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Partner institutions: UN – COP 26
Process design and implementation of a global online assembly composed of 100 participants and 100 mediators/recruiters. The draw was designed using a population density map that gave everyone on the planet an equal chance of being selected. The mediators recruited, translated and remunerated the participants. A special effort was made to meet the socio-economic criteria.
After 68 hours of deliberations, a document called “People’s Declaration for a Sustainable Future Planet Earth” was produced.
For: Barcelona City Council, Department of Culture, Education, Science and Community, Units of Participation, Democratic Innovation and Youth
Consultancy on the design and implementation of a deliberative forum made up of 99 young people aged between 16 and 29 to answer the following question: As a young person living in Barcelona, what would you need to carry out your life project?
Recommendations report that includes responses from Barcelona City Council (Catalana and Spanish), February 2022
Return sessions organised by the City Council for members of the Fòrum Jove: 2 July 2021, 7 February 2023.
Documentary about the process (Catalan and Spanish), December 2021, 13 min.
Award: IOPD 2022 (International Observatory for Participatory Democracy). Special mention in the framework of the “Good Practice in Citizen Participation” Award, together with 6 other initiatives.
Innovación democrática : Barcelona 2015-2023 [p. 145 – 180]
Partner Institution: Government of Cantabria, Regional Ministry of Economy and Finance
Process design and advice on the implementation of a citizens’ jury composed of 35 people chosen by civic lottery among the population of 10 municipalities of the Besaya basin to answer the following question: How to use European funds in the Besaya area to create and maintain jobs while respecting the criteria of a just and inclusive ecological transition?
Recommendations report (Spanish), July 2021
Complementary report (Spanish), July 2021
Response of the Government of Cantabria to the recommendations (Spanish), May 2023
Co-design and facilitation of an online workshop to explore Good Practice Principles for Deliberative Processes for Public Decision Making published in June 2020 in an OECD report.
For: Danish Board of Technology and European Commission
Facilitation of an online one day event with 50 randomly selected Spanish citizens to recommend priorities to the Mission on Climate adaptation and societal transformation
Yago (@iacocoba) has a degree in Physics. He has previously worked in teaching and on projects in the cultural and technological fields. For the last 12 years he has focused exclusively on citizen democracy projects.
He started his career in this field in 2012 working on hybrid digital participation projects in social movements and political parties. From 2015 to 2019 he was directing a democratic innovation lab at the Madrid City Council (Medialab Prado) in coordination with the open government area and the Decide Madrid platform. During those years he was part of the design team and coordinator of the G1000 Madrid and the City Observatory (the first permanent deliberative body).
In 2019 he founded Deliberativa together with Arantxa Mendiharat. In these years they help to design and implement multiple local and regional projects (see list). He has a special interest in transnational deliberation. He has been heavily involved as part of the core design and coordination team in the Future of Europe Conference, the Next Generation European Panels, and the Global Assembly on Climate Emergency (see list).
Arantxa holds a degree in Political Science from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, France, and a MSc in Cultural Management from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
She has devoted most of her professional career to the design and management of cultural projects linked to social transformation. She is now mainly dedicated to the co-design and implementation of deliberative processes in the framework of Deliberativa.
She is co-author with Ernesto Ganuza of the book La democracia es posible. Sorteo cívico y deliberación para rescatar el poder de la ciudadanía (2020, Consonni). Member of FIDE – Federation of Innovation in Democracy Europe, Advisory Board.
Deliberativa is part of Democracy R&D, an international network of more than 120 organisations and experts working with governments and supranational bodies on deliberative methodologies. We share in a very sustained way principles of good practice as well as innovative experiences that we design and put into practice. Pioneering organisations such as the newDemocracy Foundation in Australia and Mass LBP in Canada are active members of the network, as are the people and organisations that have put on the most important Citizens’ Assemblies in recent years in Ireland, France, Germany or the UK. We are also member of the Advisory Board of FIDE (Federation for Innovation in Democracy Europe), and active member of KNOCA. Finally, we have activated in 2023 Delib, the Iberian Network of organisations and individuals that promote and foster deliberative democracy, that includes more than 100 members in Spain and Portugal.
They are part of the Deliberativa Advisory Committee since 2021:
See these documents to learn more about how we work: