We are a leading reference in the global movement of democratic innovation.

Deliberativa is a non-profit association founded in 2020 by Yago Bermejo (Madrid) and Arantxa Mendiharat (Bilbao) with the aim of strengthening democracy through citizen deliberation.

We accompany governments and institutions of all political colors in the implementation and expansion of deliberative practices and their integration into the political system.

We work with mini-publics (Panels, Juries, Assemblies and Citizen Conventions) implemented at different levels of governance (municipal, regional, state, European and global). Our commitment is to improve all institutional scales, promoting deliberative democracy at both local and global levels.


Advisory Committee



Deliberation & Democracy

Iberian Network of organizations and individuals that encourage and promote deliberative democracy
Created in 2023 by Deliberativa, it brings together more than 100 individuals and organizations from the Iberian Peninsula to share experiences and generate standards of good practices.

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Democracy R&D

Created in 2018, it includes more than 180 members from all continents, meeting face-to-face once a year in a city around the world.

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Federation for Innovation in Democracy Europe

Created in 2021, it promotes deliberative democracy mainly in Europe and the United States. Deliberativa is a member of its Board of Directors.

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Knowledge network on Climate Assemblies

Created in 2022, it generates and exchanges knowledge on Climate Assemblies. Deliberativa has intervened in several sessions of KNOCA sharing its experience.

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OECD Innovative Citizen Participation Network

Created in 2020, it regularly shares OECD initiatives in the deliberative field.

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