
Fòrum Jove BCN, Youth Deliberative Assembly (Barcelona)

April 2021 – February 2022

To: Barcelona City Council, Department of Culture, Education, Science and Community, Participation, Democratic Innovation and Youth Units.

Consultancy on the design and implementation of a deliberative forum composed of 99 young people between 16 and 29 years old to answer the following question: As a young person living in Barcelona, what would you need to carry out your life project?

Report of recommendations together with the Barcelona City Council’s responses, February 2022

Refund sessions organized by the City Council for members of the Fòrum Jove: July 2, 2021, February 7, 2023.

Documentary on the process, 13 min, December 2021

Award: IOPD 2022 (International Observatory for Participatory Democracy). Special mention in the framework of the “Good Practice in Citizen Participation” Award, together with 6 other initiatives.

Democratic innovation : Barcelona 2015-2023 [pp. 145 – 180].

Image 1 and 2: the Youth Forum sessions have been held at the Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats and the Espai Jove Les Basses, among other venues in Barcelona.

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